Saturday 28 April 2012


Bismillahirahmanirahim. Dengan nama Allah kalam dimulakan. Alangkah bahagia dan indahnya andai zaman gemilang itu kembali semula. Zaman dimana al-Quran sentiasa di hati, zikir-zikir dan wirid meniti di bibir. Mata melihat ciptaan Allah lantas memuji kebesarannya.  Telinga hanya mendengar perkara-perkara yang memberi kebaikan dan membuahkan pahala.Setiap detik dan saat yang dilalui sentiasa menghampirkan diri kepada Pencipta kita. Lantas kembalilah, kembali merenggut cahaya kasih yang tidak kunjung malap.Sentiasa bersinar menerangi seluruh kehidupan manusia. Hanya manusia yang kadang leka dan alpa. Tolonglah, jangan biarkan fasa surutmu terlalu lama. Pelbagai peringatan dan ujian telah diberikan agar engkau kembali. Kemali semula ke jalanNya. Jalan yang lurus itu, jalan yang luas terbentang. Sejak dulu lagi hanya untuk mu dan untuk diri-diri yang ikhlas dan sabar dalam menongkahi arusnya. Hanya peribadi-peribadi ini, peribadi yang sungguh istimewa, peribadi yang terpilih untuk meneruskan risalahnya. Kembali meneguk aliran kasih sayang dan luasnya ganjaran yang bakal diterima. Tautlah kembali,rangkul kembali jangan sampai ia menjauh. Engkau harus kuat untuk terus mendekat. Andai ada yang terus menarikmu,mencabar keteguhanmu,engkau harus tentang habis-habisan.Sehabis kuat kudratmu. Kembalilah kerana hanya engkau yang diharapkan. Jika bukan engkau siapa lagi? Adakah engkau sanggup membutakan mata,memekakkan telinga,membisukan bahasa dengan segala agenda musuh untuk menentangmu. Apakah engkau hanya berdiam diri tanpa melakukan apa-apa? Sedarlah engkau, bangkitlah semula. Jangan biarkan dirimu terus-menerus hanyut. Kembalilah..kembalilah semula ummat memerlukanmu.Jangan engkau biarkan mereka.

*credit to this  post
*Kaedah mempermudahkan qiamulail :-
  1. Merancang aktiviti harian untuk seluruh 24 jam.
  2. Faham bahawa rohani,aqli dan jasmani perlukan makanan yang seimbang.
  3. Menghindari maksiat.Sufyan at-Tsauri berkata : "Aku sukar sekali melakukan qiamulail selama 5 bulan disebabkan satu dosa yang aku lakukan"
  4. Tahu fadhilat dan keistimewaannya.
  5. Mempunyai perasaan bermunajat kepada Allah yang Maha Berkasih Sayang.
** Sesungguhnya engkaulah wahai hamba yang memerlukan Allah sedang Allah sedikit pun tidak berhajat kepadamu.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Be a muslimah :)

In the name of Allah The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful. Alhamdulillah binikmati iman wa islam. Okay now it's more and more about myself. Being a muslimah in this metropolitan city,rather tough. In fact no matter where it's a challenging title to carry on. Not only about a title but the practice of it. The practice of being a muslimah. The true life of a muslimah.
 Like what I've said in the previous blogpost, now I'm working as a shop assisstant at Pak MJ Cafe. A marshmallow,herbs and chocolate stall. Alhamdulillah I'd manage to get fitting there.Eventhough it was a little bit boring, I'd prefer the works without the interaction with the people more than the opposite one. Yeah sometimes,it's only sometimes got to communicate with them.Oh whatever.
 Actually the real topic is that,occasionally I went out with my fellows and friends with the appearance of a muslimah.Covering their aurat properly,behave their manners;people are tends to respect and have faith in us more than anyone else out there. Once a lady, the ordinary one, she'd got problems with her handset. Upon seeing us,she called us and asking for help.On how to fix her handset. She really need the devices to contact her buddy. They'd make an appointment to meet somewhere but they were lost in contact because of the problems. It's just what crossing my mind on that time, isn't she worried of us taking away her handset? or maybe robbed her on the spot?'s just a thought and several possibilties if the lady insisted to ask anyone else rather than us. If you think the storyline is about actually to raise myself, then you sould read the following:
 We just kept continuing walking to go home via the KTM. Upon reaching the station, a few other people approached us either to ask the direction or asking for a little favour. Averagely on the same day, we'd managed to help several person by hand. An awesome experience I had,I think so. Awesome on about four to five people approached us asking for help. My friends just thought that they believed us because of our appearances. Okey then,hope so. And nobody else would destroy our images in public.
 In some cases, a woman with long veil and garments do the bad deeds. Thus, interrupting our images in front of the public.
 Just that the nice woman for a nice man. If you want a nice and soleh husband, then you're the person who should be the one first. Wallahua'lam,sorry maybe this is more likely ranting. Anyway thanks for streaming :) Be a nice muslimah okay ;)

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Be Myself?

Bismillah.Alhamdulillah =) . Don't know if this the right time to write.Well then I'd prefer to just write. It was actually a lot of things happened to me. All this while I've kept searching the best topic to update the blog. Okey then,guess what? The idea come into my mind right after I'd finished reading all my post on my own blog. Thus, I guess the message is BE MYSELF!
 Just now having the excited and granted feeling of being chose as one of the matriculation's student. "Tahniah, anda telah ditawarkan Program Matrikulasi KPT. Program Dua Tahun (PDT), Aliran Sains di Kolej Matrikulasi Selangor." Ok now the course is the best and the shcool is awesome,but the programme's duration? em huh rather long~ It's just that my parents said, "Tunggu UPU jelah". Ok then I'll wait, in fact it is my own choice to wait for the UPU result. Hope get the best. Ameen.
 And now actually I'm working at Pak MJ Cafe as the shop assisstant. Take good care of the cafe. It is actually a marshmallow and chocolate stall. AWESOME!
 Based on my experience of two days working there, people respect those who respect themselves,respect the others and most importantly respect The Almighty.
Whatever it is,so sorry to say,coz I need a long nice rest. Till then, goodnight and may Allah bless. insya-Allah I'll update another post in this short time.

p/s: I think now it's more about gibberish sorry,really tired and sleepy right now.Nite all :)

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Read and just read.

Hello hi, everyone. Guess what?? Getting excited after finishing a book? Uhuh it's Jodi Picoult. The number one bestselling author.Picture Perfect borrowed from one of my friends. Okay craving more and more on hers. On Cecelia Ahern as well. uh what a crazy addicted hobby isn't it? Nope it's just now I'm here to have a little bit or maybe more gesture on my thought. Love the thought of having this gesture to my readers.
 To be honest, I'm not the best at english indeed. It's just my desire,my interest and my enthusiasm towards english that makes me keep proceeding this hobby;of reading english basically story-based books. Eveyone I guess, have more interest in story than a factual script right? Even if it's not english language.Oh and was finishing the book;Picture Perfect for almost a month. Eheh then what made me said that I have a great desire towards english? A month for a book? Emm maybe we could say that the book is the thick one. The story is long but not bored.That's why I'm craving more. And of course the main reasons for the period is because I got to understand or maybe get fit into the new vocabs and in some cases the accent itself. And of course my mind to accept the western life style served in the book.
 I've realised that my favourite author is basically from female author. The first ever being my fav is Enid Blyton, eheh it's during my childhood,reading her fairytale hardcover book. Second whom I've just revealed Cecelia Ahern and lately Jodi Picoult. What a phenomena they were. I'd once read from the male writers but I've found no chemistry in reading them. It is just not fitting my soul. The storyline of these three authors is undoubtfully interesting,enchanting and non-stoppable one. I'm addicted to them.
 Often this statement crossing my mind " You are what you read". Yeah again in some cases it fit. But in my opinion, if you got  the faith then it's enough to distinguish between the right and wrong, do's and dont's. As for me I love to read so I just read despite the reading material. I read magazines,newpapers, science journal, novel etc, because for me as long as we want to learn then just do it. Let the way it be; we even learnt from our experiences heh. Life is about learning to get fit in it.
 Also wondering how did I get this interest from? As to said from my family  emm..I guess I'm the only one in the house who loves to read english. As for the desire towards books, I think from my dad. He himself have two bookshelves in this house specially prepared only for his books. Not considering those mixed in the mini library we got upstairs. And what makes me love and respect him, he never argue over piles of money that flow over  bunches of book. That happen every year during the International Book Fair we have in KL annually plus through the whole year, when sometimes we feel like reading. And also he never argue on our reading genre. He just let us read and read. That's what I praised him for. He also keep encouraging me to write. He said "You've read a lot of people's writing, why don't now you are the one who write". Eheh dad I'm writing now. hihi
 Okay now whatever it is; I think I just wanna keep on this hobby and perhaps to my children in the future. Last but not least Reading is The Key to Knowledge as noted from the verse of the Quran "Read! In the Name of your Lord Who has created (all that exists).....Who has taught (the writing) by the pen. He has taught man that which he knew not." (96:1-5) In fact this is the first divine message from Allah to the Messenger through Gabriel. Wallahua'lam. May we all got benefits from this writing.Thanks for streaming and sorry for the broken english.

Monday 2 April 2012

Lakaran Minda

Sekali lagi apabila aku melihat kakak-kakak dan abang-abang itu, aku cemburu. Aku geram, aku gelisah,aku dengan pelabagai ekpressi daripada lubuk hati ini. Aku cemburu kerana mereka telah melangkah jauh, membawa impian dan cita-cita ini, mereka terus mengorak langkah tanpa rasa jemu dan putus asa. Aku geram kerana aku tidak seperti mereka,aku rasa aku lemah, aku rasa tidak berdaya. Aku pun sentiasa membiarkan diriku lalai dan leka, biarkan semuanya dibuai masa. Aku gelisah kerana betapa aku faham dan tahunya erti dan hakikat perjuangan ini. Kepentingannya dan sesak nafasnya tapi aku membiarkan sahaja. Aku seolah buta, aku sudah mula berhenti mengorakkan langkah.
 Sering kali aku meratapi nasib ummah yang tidak terbela ini. Kesedaran mula timbul dalam benak jiwaku sedikit kemudian kembali menghakis sehingga aku kembali menatap setiap bait madah pejuangan ini daripada pejuang yang kental, tidak mudah goyah. Aku harus kuat, aku tahu itu. Tapi aku lemah itu juga aku tahu. Aku perlu sahabat untuk bersama kuat tapi mereka perlukan aku untuk mereka bertahan. Kami sama memerlukan tapi aku sering tersasar. Aku mulai hanyut. Tapi aku tahu aku perlu berpaut pada setiap dahan-dahan yang masih ada kerana mereka masih memerlukan aku. Dan aku juga masih memerlukan jalan ini. Jalan ini bukan untuk mereka sahaja tapi untuk aku utamanya.
 Aku punya sahabat yang tabah,tidak endah penat dan lelah terus melangkah. Dia teruskan langkah, dia lebih kuat dan gigih daripada aku. Walau jauh dia terus mendekat, walau susah dia terus memudah. Ya Allah peliharalah dia. Kekalkanlah ukhuwwah antara kami ini. Kerana tanpa dia aku terus hanyut ya Allah. Suburkanlah hidayah dan inayahMu dalam setiap aturan langkah kami menuju redhaMu. Walau di mana sahaja aku berada ya Allah sedarkanlah aku. Mudahkan aku,bimbinglah aku agar aku tetap atas landasan ini. Kerana aku yakin ya Allah tiada landasan lain yang lebih kukuh dan megah selain landasan ini. Landasan yang akan membawa aku dekat padaMu. Meneguk aliran kasih sayangMu di penghujung hidupku.

Sunday 1 April 2012

Climbing the steps~

Okay now I'm rather excited about beeing choosen as one of the student for the following prgoramme:
  1. Tamhidi Sains dan Teknologi-USIM
  2. Asasi Sains Hayat-UIAM
  3. Asasi Sains Hayat-UM
  4. Asasi Pengajian Islam dengan Sains-UM
  5. Diploma Mikrobiologi-UiTM
  6. Diploma Teknologi Maklmal Perubatan- UiTM
  7. Asasi Bahasa Inggeris-UIAM
  8. Diploma Farmasi-UiTM
Eheh retoric right! I really don't know; don't understand either, why my enthusiasm towards science..wuhuuu really high as the KLCC or maybe Eiffel Tower..okay sis said "Em tgklah ni sume sains kot"..ouch can't really help myself from liking and have a great desire on this all courses..guess what my favourite subject during my secondary school is BIOLOGY! I really hope I could join one of this choices..o Allah do help me~ guide me to the straight mom keep saying that SPM is not the is just a starting point and you can't really judging your future based on SPM's result huh. It is actually your attitude if you keep your manner then you' go excel. Huhu thanks mum for that supporting statement.
 And also no matter where you are or in what courses you are joining in..the important thing you do your actual job and your main objectives of being create and born in this world. It is to spread the words of Islam! Okay then have nothing to say anymore, just remember the important A is Allah Himself in your heart!

"Kejayaan bukanlah semata2 diukur dengan natijah masa lalu,kerna hakikatnya, hasil yg diperolehi berada dalam genggaman Rabb.Tapi, kejayaan sebenar diukur dengan sejauhmana kekuatan kita untuk mencorakkn masa depan,kerna masa depan ditentukan dgn usaha kita & diserahkn pd Allah..bangkit! pacu! dan maralah! Sama2 berusaha m'jd penduduk langit yg dikenali dgn amalnya,biarpun natijah di dunia x seindah lakaran. Jgn pernah biar sedih & putus asa menguasai kerana janji Allah itu pasti buat hambaNya yang mentaati"