Sunday, 1 April 2012

Climbing the steps~

Okay now I'm rather excited about beeing choosen as one of the student for the following prgoramme:
  1. Tamhidi Sains dan Teknologi-USIM
  2. Asasi Sains Hayat-UIAM
  3. Asasi Sains Hayat-UM
  4. Asasi Pengajian Islam dengan Sains-UM
  5. Diploma Mikrobiologi-UiTM
  6. Diploma Teknologi Maklmal Perubatan- UiTM
  7. Asasi Bahasa Inggeris-UIAM
  8. Diploma Farmasi-UiTM
Eheh retoric right! I really don't know; don't understand either, why my enthusiasm towards science..wuhuuu really high as the KLCC or maybe Eiffel Tower..okay sis said "Em tgklah ni sume sains kot"..ouch can't really help myself from liking and have a great desire on this all courses..guess what my favourite subject during my secondary school is BIOLOGY! I really hope I could join one of this choices..o Allah do help me~ guide me to the straight mom keep saying that SPM is not the is just a starting point and you can't really judging your future based on SPM's result huh. It is actually your attitude if you keep your manner then you' go excel. Huhu thanks mum for that supporting statement.
 And also no matter where you are or in what courses you are joining in..the important thing you do your actual job and your main objectives of being create and born in this world. It is to spread the words of Islam! Okay then have nothing to say anymore, just remember the important A is Allah Himself in your heart!

"Kejayaan bukanlah semata2 diukur dengan natijah masa lalu,kerna hakikatnya, hasil yg diperolehi berada dalam genggaman Rabb.Tapi, kejayaan sebenar diukur dengan sejauhmana kekuatan kita untuk mencorakkn masa depan,kerna masa depan ditentukan dgn usaha kita & diserahkn pd Allah..bangkit! pacu! dan maralah! Sama2 berusaha m'jd penduduk langit yg dikenali dgn amalnya,biarpun natijah di dunia x seindah lakaran. Jgn pernah biar sedih & putus asa menguasai kerana janji Allah itu pasti buat hambaNya yang mentaati"

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